“Can you step away from all the rest which followed long enough to see not only what I was saying, but to then compare things -— as compared to Scripture also?”
I thought I did. I suppose all I can add is that we do things the way we have always and everywhere done things. Your ecclesiology is different. In all honesty what you do makes no difference to me. It’s not my place to tell Baptists how to run their communities.
Orthodoxy is here in the West to be seen if people want to look. If people come and don’t like what they see, we tell them that’s fine and offer them another piece of baklava.
Otherwise, my answer is what xzins said.
No, you didn't..
What you did was the above boasting. Which is not altogether accurate, but does have a lot of truth to it. But as much truth as pride? ...is another story.
Then again, even in "church" men have most often been proud and boastful, and that boast often not being truly Christ, or perhaps better said, not Christ ---- alone.
What did he say -- to what?
Nevermind, prideful one.
I don't CARE all that much for your opinion. Really. Go have another piece of baklava.