>>Bonhoeffer, a modern martyr who stood against the atrocities of Nazi Germany, wrote, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Bonhoeffer stood alone and lost his life. In the face of such clear evil he couldn’t find 10 other pastors to stand with him.
He actually stood against the German CHURCH as it turned into the Nazi Church. The lesson of Bonhoeffer is that all people of conscience need to flee their apostate churches (PCUSA, TEC, ELCA, UCC, ABC, UMC...that’s you!) that embrace the homosexual/Progressive agendas. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve given over the years, how important you are in the congregation, or how much they need you.
When I left the UMC last year, I was the chairman of the Church Council, delegate to Annual Conference, a Certified Lay Speaker, and fill-in lay preacher. I walked away clean and people asked me, “but you’ve done so much and been so successful here. Why would you leave?”
I answered, “Because all of that is meaningless if I have to give up my soul.”
Bonhoeffer did the same when he left the German Church to form the Confessing Church, and eventually it led to his arrest and execution.
Veritas! May the Lord grant you increase!