Catholic apologetics, defending and supporting the pagan rite of ‘eating the idol god to get his life in them’, are straight from the one who does all he can to mock God’s Grace and insult the Righteousness of Jesus The Christ. I post all three Gospel recordings of the Upper Room Passover and in each the wine is called BY JESUS fruit of the vine, IOW wine. Jesus told His disciples to eat bread and drink the cup of WINE as a way to REMEMBER across all generations what He was about to do on the Cross for us all. To turn that into the empowerment of a gaggle of priests is anathema, blasphemy writ large and hated by Jesus as recorded in Revelation early on.
In the linked video ( ) at about 8 minutes fifty-five seconds, there is a passage from O’Brien’s book which is authorized by the RCC, that is bold a blasphemy as I have ever heard! It is at the heart of a false religion called catholicism which offers to catholics another Jesus, not the Jesus of the Bible. Take a listen and let God’s Spirit speak by it. See what the Spirit says ...
And it gets worse with even deeper blasphemy at ten minutes and fifteen seconds! The words of O’Brien say Jesus, at the command of the catholic priest, bows tot he power of the priest!
And before some blinded catholic apologist tries to claim the words of O’Brien are not official church dogma, the book by o”brien has the church’s ‘nihil obstat’ meaning it does not violate the church’s teaching on faith and morals! So it is what the catholic religion endorses, this blasphemous power of a catholic priesthood to command Jesus in the catholic rites and at the catholic altar! BLASPHENY is so easy to see when the Spirit of Truth is in you ... BTW, the guy reading those passages was once a catholic priest. He knows of what he speaks.