I'm sorry you have so much apparent dislike for Protestants, of which I am not one and also sorry you don't follow the Bible for your spiritual growth.
You seem to be well trained in how to divert attention from Jesus and salvation to the Catholic church and it's twisting of Biblical truths to substantiate substantiating, Mary for salvation, and worshiping the same false God that Islam worships. Your pope's own proclamation.
I will remain a Christian saved by the Grace of God thorough belief in Jesus and accepting his promise of everlasting life.
I'm sorry you did not respond to my offer to show you scriptures on how to become a Christian.
I won't give up on you, and neither will Jesus.
Your comment: “My goodness, finally descended into condescending snark have we?”
You will have to let me know what got to you if it makes you think.
You make lots of assumptions, most of them are wrong.
Your religion is negative about the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic Church so why should I listen to the same old rantings?
If you profess to be a follower of Christ, but are not a member of the one true Christian faith (Catholicism)...then you are a protestant.....what else is there????