I would suggest to you that casting doubt on any of the words of scripture is dangerous business.
As to your reference to Matthew 25 the “works”
My reference? I did not give any reference, I wrote down exactly what Jesus said in plain words.
So you don’t believe all of scripture is really the words of the Holy Spirit >>>>>>>>>
Why accuse me?
It is you that seems to believe Paul is contradiction what Jesus said, not me.
But if you believe Paul is contradicting Jesus then maybe you should try to shape Paul into the image of Jesus rather than making Jesus into the image of Paul.
Those works were only evidence of their faith. Any other interpretation makes Paul a liar.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
That is true, the works Jesus is talking about is the mark of a true believer, the others are the goats.
As to your reference to Matthew 25 the “works” that the righteous did were works rendered AFTER their salvation.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
So I guess that is supposed to make what Jesus said null and void?
No, I believe there is NO contradiction between Jesus and Paul.
>>So I guess that is supposed to make what Jesus said null and void?<<
Where did you ever get that impression? Of course they don't make Jesus words null and void. It was you who claimed that Jesus words were more important than what the Holy Spirit inspired the apostles to write.
Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus is teaching about the coming of the Kingdom and He likens it to ten virgins, five of whom are not prudent in waiting for the Bridegroom. The five foolish virgins get left behind because the wedding party comes and leaves while the foolish virgins are off shopping.
Matthew 14-30 Jesus gives the parable of the talents to the servants and their use of the 'talents' by each. This is a foreshadowing of the Bema Seat in Heaven, IN HEAVEN. we notice here that one servant give a talent hide the value and had only the one when the accounting was made. Jesus says "29 for to every one having shall be given, and he shall have overabundance, and from him who is not having, even that which he hath shall be taken from him; 30and the unprofitable servant cast ye forth to the outer darkness; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth." To understand this decree one needs to see what 'the talents' are. In other passages we discover that the Gospel preached and the given seal of The Holy Spirit is what Jesus refers to, and to those with nothing, no Holy Spirit seal which allowed an increase in the given, well, you get the gist.
THEN beginning in verse 31 Jesus shifts to: "31 And whenever the Son of Man may come in his glory, and all the holy messengers with him, then he shall sit upon a throne of his glory; 32 and gathered together before him shall be all the nations, and he shall separate them from one another, as the shepherd doth separate the sheep from the goats, 33 and he shall set the sheep indeed on his right hand, and the goats on the left." This is chronologically what follows the events which happened in Heaven, the Bema Seat weighing of gains due to the sealing of the Holy Spirit. The previous passages referred to The Bridegroom and His Bride. The passages from 31 on refer to Jesus's RETURN with all His Holy Messengers ... and He is Sitting on His Throne of Glory, for a judging HERE on Earth not in Heaven. Jesus even makes it perfectly clear that this section refers to the Kingship, not the suffering Messiah, and it is about judging humanity that is not a part of the Bride whose 'works' were 'weighed' at the Bema Seat.
We are assured that some during the Israel evangelizing will be saved. In fact it is going to be the greatest revival in Human History! The separation of sheep and goats is parablesque, in that Jesus differentiates by value, something the Jews listening to Him would have immediately connected with. THERE is the judging according to the behaviors while in the flesh. All who were not raised and transformed at the Rapture of His Church, they are whom Jesus addresses.
The dispensational perspective can be a useful tool for clarity. Is it any wonder that satan despises the mention of the term and spittles ridicule whenever the tool is raised? If you go back to Matthew 24:26-51 you are given the dispensation of the ending Church Age. THEN Jesus shifts to the chronology of the rewards review at the Bema Seat in Heaven. At the very end of 24 is perhaps the most troubling Truth for those who are Nicolaitanized in their dealing with the searching souls. I believe this section refers to those of priesthoods and rituals twisted to mislead the souls desiring Truth and getting beaten up by heresies like 'drinking the literal blood of Jesus', or the Mormon doctrine of working to be worthy of Grace.