Uh, I think God used “loved the world” because His plan for man was made from the foundation of the world, and in the case of this present age, “from before the foundation of the world.” Ephesians. Before He even created this earth, the plan was in place. That’s why He says “loved”.
The word katabole often translated as "foundation" actually means overthrow. This refers to the downfall of the first creation age. The plan never even came into being until it became necessary at the overthrow. By then God wasn't loving very much - He destroyed the whole earth. It is because you do not understand the sequence of events between the original creation and the recreation of earth that you do not understand why Christ said, "For God so loved the world" - past tense. Since you seem to dispute the first creation age, I look forward to you addressing the scriptural evidence that I have provided to support it in this thread? See posts #491 #494 #496 Then we can discuss "foundation" more fully.