There’s tremendous freedom in knowing that your salvation is secure.
I know that some think that means freedom to sin, but they’re simply projecting. It’s what they’d do if they had the choice, if they felt they had freedom.
But the freedom is not that. It’s freedom from religious activity that accomplishes nothing in the way of salvation. It’s freedom from works and rituals and sacraments and laws and depriving yourself from things God gave us to enjoy.
It’s freedom from being a slave to sin.
It’s freedom from fear, worry, guilt, and condemnation.
It gives a peace that is beyond comprehension, that allows you to TRULY enjoy live and NOT feel guilty about having a good time.
AMEN. It’s also having the freedom to get to know God through His Word, without fear. There was a time when I was afraid to read the Bible, because if I came across something that I could not do I was going to be condemned by God. Before a person is saved, all kinds of crazy things go through their heads!
I believe you are correct. It has been pointed out to a number of people, that this is BOGUS, but it does not seem to sink in. I won't mention any names, but the guilty parties know who they are. 😃
Its freedom from religious activity that accomplishes nothing in the way of salvation. Its freedom from works and rituals and sacraments and laws and depriving yourself from things God gave us to enjoy. Its freedom from being a slave to sin. Its freedom from fear, worry, guilt, and condemnation.
Yes, freedom from all those false religious rites and rituals. We are not slaves to sin anymore. We are free to do what we should, not to do what we please. Once again, not brain surgery.
It gives a peace that is beyond comprehension, that allows you to TRULY enjoy live and NOT feel guilty about having a good time.
I agree, but just a point of clarification, so one of those previously mentioned guilty parties does not deliberately misinterpret that. When we have a good time, we don't mean going out and getting drunked up, and all kinds of other stupid things. We mean we go to church, prayer meetings, we go to Jack's Ridge, we go see a hockey game. Good clean fun, but not evil things. Everyone should try it. 😎
Oh man.......that opens a can of worms that probably shouldn't be opened......
OSAS.....that allows you to have a "good time" without feeling guilty.....I'm beginning to like protestantism more and more as these pposts go on!!!!!
Now all I have to do is completely deny my accusative conscience....that inner voice that says "you are married, don't even think about it"...or perhaps that nagging voice which says "I know that you'd like to have one would ever find out about it, but it belongs to someone else....
If I knew that I could pull all the shenanigans that I wanted to, and have no guilt at all....WOW....that staid, old, Catholic church....what do they know?????