It seems that Catholic apostates hate the Church more than cradle Protestants.
Not too dissimilar than Lucifer and his own personal rebellion.
Hey, BG, are you going to now complain about “bashing” when your fellow Catholics compare other Christians to Lucifer and call them names?
Are you going to be an equal opportunity complainer?
Or does that only go for those who use Scripture?
I prefer to think of us as those that were saved from Rome..:>)
I hate anything that is anti Christ..I hate false teachings that places men above Christ, I hate idolatry ... I love Catholics and understand the burden they carry..
How awful to never know if you have done enough, obeyed enough , prayed enough to get even into purgatory.. How sad to die and go to an unknown eternity
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.(John 8:36)