You seem to think that you have all the answers already...(you don't) what would your questions be....maybe which of the thousands of misguided protestant "denominations" is correct???(answer:none of them)!!!
LOL, as Ronnie Reagan would say, there you go again. Actually, my unanswered question, was why did I think I could not go to Heaven, even though I thought I was in the only true church, the RCC. I wasn't, in the true church, that is. He just fed me the same nonsense I had been filled with, for my whole life, but never was able to give me a satisfactory answer, like, where was I going? Big surprise there. I decided I was going to read the Bible and interpret it myself. I am glad I did. Sorry if others don't like that. I do it anyway, and I love it, and don't care if anyone likes it or not. By the way, we all know that I belong to the only true church, the First United Church of the Navigators, in Jesus our Lord. It was formed in the distant past, like maybe about 5.379457321 million years ago, or maybe even before that. At any rate, it was formed so many millions of years ago, it must be right. 😄😀😃 I am glad I belong to the only true church, because no one can be saved unless they belong to the only true church, which is the previously mentioned church. 😄😃😀😱😎 I am comfortable with my choice. If others are not? Oh well. 😀😃😮😱🙉🙈🙊