The first reformers had very pointed opinions of the papacy and the pope.
Seat of Antichrist and antichriats, respectively.
The Puritans had pointed opinions on Christmas and easter being Popish..
400 plus years and :
Popes are rock stars and leading head of state
Christmas and easter are not Catholic holy days but christian holy days.
The world runs on a calendar named after a pope.
Prophetic times..
Those three things would prove that the world has a big thumbs up for Rome and the reformers have softened..
...”The first reformers had very pointed opinions of the papacy and the pope”....
Christians pretty much get that the pope and papacy have been screwed up from the time they departed from the scripture and sought Political Power independent of that which was given by Christ.
When you read of Huns, Wycliff and others there’s a consistency of opposing the Pope and the new teachings they had allowed into the church in order to pacify the heathen they had called in to increase their numbers and revenues.
Yet...Todays catholic church leadership really doesn’t have to make decisions based on it’s membership as it has far surpassed it’s dependence on them entirely. It’s wealth and investments, properties etc. assure it a continual stream of revenue....all the rest is gravy.
Therefore we’ll see them making decisions that aren’t favorable to the membership who are true believers....they will indeed leave the church....but what remains will be a spearhead to unite all religions......environmentalist, New Age, and all the GAGA nutjobs will fall in too the World Council of Churches.
-— The Puritans had pointed opinions on Christmas and easter being Popish.. -—
Yes, pointed.
-— plus years and :
Popes are rock stars and leading head of state
Christmas and easter are not Catholic holy days but christian holy days.-—
Not sure what you mean, but it sounds bad.