First the 10 kingdoms were the European Common Market. Then they were the European Union. Now they're the 10 countries fighting with Saudi Arabia in Yemen. The examples could be multiplied. As quick as the news changes, so does the "correct" interpretation.
I remember clearly the days when Hal Lindsay's "Late Great Planet Earth" was all the rage. Lindsay and all of his followers were SO SURE everything would pan out just the way he said. Now when you pick up the book and read it, it's almost laughable-- even Lindsay keeps changing his predictions. It's silly and it's a racket, and it's no way to read the Bible.
Some of what you say holds water (some of the speculation being done by racketeers), but overall not. There have been a few prophecies fulfilled since the 1800’s so things are quite a bit different now. Very different now. Were men flying then? Did they have the knowledge of the world and the Word we have now? Did the population at large have telephones or the internet? Where was CNN? :-) Was Israel once again a nation then?
I, too, remember the 1980’s. More prophecy has been fulfilled even since then. We got CNN in that decade :-)
I am not talking about the sayer’s, but what the Word has to say. If you keep your nose in the Book and look up to see what is going on in the world you stay on track. If you look at what is going on in the world and try to apply it to the Word that is where stuff gets off-track.
The racketeering is silly, G-d’s Word is not.