No, it makes him a dead heretic.
The Bible says, “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” (Matthew 10:28) Tyndale was fearless in the face of Roman tyranny. Rome eventually had him strangled, burned, and blown up, but they could never touch his soul and he knew that.
I happen to have started Dr. Steven Lawson’s new book on Tyndale only a few days ago. At the Ligonier Conference less than two weeks ago, I sat through Dr. Lawson’s lecture on Tyndale (linked below for one and all to see). I have great admiration for this giant martyr for Christ. He gave his life so that the average Englishman could have a Bible they could read and understand and in the process he changed the world. Under Rome, Britain was so wicked, the light of truth so dim, that in 1519 seven Lollards were burned at the stake for the “crime” of teaching their children to say the Lord’s prayer in English. Fat lot of good saying it in Latin would have done them don’t you think?
I pray you will eventually see Rome for what she is and has been in history. Your blind faith in an institution is dangerous for your soul. It would be helpful if you would watch this video by two former Catholics, including a former priest, and listen to the sermon I have linked below which explains the gospel.
Do Catholics Possess Life Eternal? by Richard Bennett Former Priest
Message 19, OPTIONAL SESSION: The Daring Mission of William Tyndale
“In this session, Dr. Steven J. Lawson traces the daring mission of William Tyndale, who was used by God to ignite the English Reformation, which ultimately cost Tyndale his life.”
The Gospel Defined and Discerned
“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”