So why do you believe that Catholics don’t accept or know Christ as the savior? Is it just ignorance? What makes your particular belief of how one should accept Christ right and everyone else wrong? Did you come to this conclusion without any influence by man or did you come to believe what your various pastors told you was the way based on their interpretations of the Bible? That would mean you follow a specific dogmatic belief rendered by mortal men.
I grew up a strict Catholic and I know very well the teachings of the church. I left them because their political views began to run contrary to mine. I found the same problems with every denomination I considered and if it wasn’t the politics it was the arrogant contention that if I didn’t believe their specific religious tenants then I would burn in hell.
I don’t need the Pope, John Calvin, my Quaker ancestors or any pastor tell me what I have to do to accept Christ and salvation and I don’t need them to remind me.
You want to follow any denomination then go for it; just don’t cut down and trash others who follow a different path to Christ and salvation. It makes you sound like a muslim talking about infidels.
Very well said.
My experience is very much the same as yours.