The truth is they began a conversation with a Non Catholic friend or acquaintance who ends up taking them to a service or two. They get swept up by the music and the friendliness of the environment and the next thing you know they are jumping ship.
The other option is that they have an issue with divorce, abortion, birth control, or some other similar issue. These are the ones that will tell you that the Catholic Church needs to move into the modern times. They end up in the church or Que sera sera anything goes. They have been poorly catechized and really have no idea of what the Church teachers or why.
On the other hand... Every single protestant convert or revert to Catholicism did so based on solid research and reason. Look at Scott and Kimberly Hahn, Marcus Grodi, Jeff Cavins, Cardinal Newman. < P>Do yourself a favor and read some of their testimonies. They reasoned their way into the Catholic Church by studying both SCRIPTURE and history.
“Virtually every protestant I know left for an emotional reason NOT one based on reason. “
“Virtually” eh? So therefore it must be that that every Protestant - based on your opinion (and we know only Catholic Opinion matters here). Ok.
“They get swept up by the music and the friendliness of the environment and the next thing you know they are jumping ship.”
So you are saying every Protestant, based on your Catholic Opinion, simply falls for smiles and music over God and Reason.
” Every single protestant convert or revert to Catholicism did so based on solid research and reason.”
Therefore every single protestant is unreasonable and unthinking - incapable of proper opinion on matters of religion.
Do you not see your circular reasoning here?