> Id say more like *knowing* someone is being intimate with them.
> In a marriage relationship, that would be intercourse.
Quite true.
> But in a God relationship, it would be personal interaction in experiencing the life of the Holy Spirit in you, which considering it is a spiritual experience, would be more intimate that sex.
The prospect of the heart being laid bare is terrifying, because [to borrow a phrase] “who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?” — I know how I fall very, very short in showing the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) and, if I’m honest with myself, it’s probably even worse than I can perceive.
But thank God that Jesus is more powerful than my failings.
Seems like the closer I get to God, the more aware of the depths of sin in my life and how it taints EVERYTHING.
There’s not a thing I can think of that I’ve ever done that hasn’t had some self-serving motive in it.
Course, if I could, then I’d probably feel proud of it.
Ya just can’t win.