That’s an interesting theory. I.e., that Satan has prepared many for the role of anti-Christ, for insurance. (Just as the Saudis groomed eight young men for the White House, and murdered the other seven when Hussein made it.)
It’s entirely credible.
Theologians have a category: “perfect possession.” This is the case of people who, because their own will is thoroughly wicked, are demonically possessed, but experience no internal conflict or distress. The people who experience possession as distressing are “imperfectly possessed” and seek a remedy.
The anti-Christ will be a perfectly possessed person, who, as an effect of the possession will in fact have “supernatural” powers. (Not actually supernatural, because demons are not supernatural—they are creatures, and therefore part of nature.) Imperfectly possessed people speak dead languages, levitate, produce vomit and feces out of nothing (i.e., without having eaten anything), etc. The perfectly possessed do not do these things because it would interfere with their careers of deception. It wouldn’t go over big on the House or Senate floor.
Thanks for the opinion.