“This evolution of theology and modernizing of church doctrine is a trend that I predict well continue to see in non-Catholic Christian circles for years to come”
Yeah, cause the Roman Church is exactly the same as it was 500 years ago, or 100 years ago, or 30 years ago. And Vatican II never happened. That Synod on faggotry never happened last month either Roman propaganda. Its ok, we know it isn’t aimed AT protestants. Like all propaganda, it is really more for internal consumption to keep the flock assured that they are correct.
Sorta like a soviet propaganda poster hanging in a Moscow subway.
The Depositum Fidei has not changed in 2000 years. Personal revelations are not Church teachings.
Its ok, we know it isnt aimed AT protestants. Like all propaganda, it is really more for internal consumption to keep the flock assured that they are correct.
Sorta like a soviet propaganda poster hanging in a Moscow subway.
I suspect so. I seldom see anything that gives me any unease. Same old hooey.