satan is a created being. The Holy spirit lives within us, we have the power to call out satan and his minions.
Once you realize that God is NOT mad at us and by receiving the free gift of grace, we defeat any power satan has over our lives.
God knows we are is our nature. You don't have to teach a child to steal or lie, you have to teach a child not to steal or lie. This is the reason Jesus came.
All of God's fury, wrath, punishment, separation was poured out on the spotless lamb of God...Jesus. It is finished!
We do not have to EARN our way to heaven. As we receive his grace, promises, wisdom, we begin to transform our lives because of our love for a faithful and loving God.
Praise to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ the righteous.
And that is why God gave His One, True, Church the Sacrament of Confession. Do you take advantage of this Sacrament?