Extra ecclesiam nulla salus was a particular favorite of Leonard Feeney, SJ, when he was suspended from the priesthood for disobeying the authority of Richard Cardinal Cushing. Feeney also indulged Donatism in the 1950s by suggesting that it was a good idea to be baptized on multiple occasions to cut down the possibility that one had been only apparently baptized by an unworthy minister of the sacrament or by the use of a defective formula. Had Father Feeney lived just a bit longer (he died in 1972) he might have been tempted to be an SSPXer. Like Bishop Williamson, Feeney was also known for anti-Semitism. Feeney was excommunicated for (what else?) defiance of and disobedience to papal authority. During his excommunication, Feeney made obvious his belief that he was more Catholic than the pope (Pope Pius XII among others from 1953 to his reconciliation in 1972.
Is Moses in hell? Is Mary in hell? Will the Lord be marching in the armies of the Lord at Armageddon? Is John the Baptist in hell? When was Dismas (the good thief) baptized? Was Our Lord lying when He promised Dismas salvation on the very day of their crucifixions?
Do you suppose that each and EVERY member of each and EVERY Native American tribe, who died before, let's say, before 1000 AD went to hell despite the manifest impossibility of each such person to be exposed to Baptism, the Teaching Magisterium, Scriptures, etc.? If so, John Calvin would be proud of you but none dare call it Catholicism. Unless the Teaching Magisterium has somehow come to embrace pre-destination.
You argument is ridiculous. EENS obviously cannot precede the foundation of the Holy Catholic Church, the one and only Church founded by Jesus Christ. By your silly logic Adam and Eve aren’t saints because they weren’t Jews or Catholics.
As far as the Jews “covenant” being eternal:
If you ever paid one iota of attention to the Word’s of the Consecration, at every Catholic Mass, you would have heard, “ For this is the Chalice of My Blood of the New and Eternal Testament...”
Operative words in this argument being “New” and “Eternal”; as opposed to your false supposition that “old” covenants are somehow automatically “eternal”.
P.S. Upon Christ’s death on the Cross, the curtain in the Jewish temple was rent in two, from top to bottom, the sky darkened and the earth quaked. Despite that, you appear be convinced that no covenant(s) with the Jews was/were ever broken?
Finally, here is quote from St. Cypian; he defeats your argument quite quickly and succinctly:
“If any one outside Noah’s ark could find safety, then also will one outside the Church find salvation.”
EENS is dogma. He who denies dogma is a heretic. This obviously applies to all Catholics and you, if you are indeed one.
You and Pope Francis can continue to don yamakas and light menorahs in Jewish temples but neither of you is doing them any help in attaining eternal salvation.
Your feeble distractions of bringing up Fr. Feeney, Bishop Williamson, SSPX, etc, which have nothing to do with the posted article, are quite laughable. I have no attachment to any of the above.
If they are your daytime terrors, I doubt you get much sleep.