sun god worship eh? Please, expand on this point.
My pleasure-
Sun’s day is the greco roman latin day of worship..
According to Torah and the prophets and our Heavenly Father’s calendar written in the sky, there is no Sun’s day in His week.
There is no Moon Day, Tiw’s Day, Woden’s Day, Thor’s Day, Friya’s Day or Saturn’s Day either for that matter..
Those days dedicated to created things or ancients gods and goddesses are an invention of man.
So is december 25 and good friya’s day and easter sun’s day.
The greco roman Latin savior may have been born on December 25 and put to death on good friy’a day. And raised on easter Sun’s day
but Scripture tells us the Messiah of Israel was born on an appointed day (New Moon day- 1st day of His 6th month), He was put to death on an appointed day- the 14th day of His 1st month(Feast of Passover) He rose from the grave on an appointed day- the 16th day of His first month (Feast of first fruits- which is the first day of the week after the seventh day High Sabbath on the 15th day of unleavened bread-( He observed the Sabbath, even in death)
Now, Jews celebrated three different ‘Passovers’ this year depending on what calendar they use- one was in march, one in April and one in May..
Only one of those is Truth..
But for our purposes, none of those were on the greco roman latin template on good friya day, saturn’s day and sun’s day...
And that is because the calendar used in the greco roman latin world doesn’t use the sun, moon and stars together to determine appointed worship times that He gave.
It only uses the sun.. and trying to tell time with one hand is okay for sun worship. But it makes True worship of the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His only beloved sun impossible.
One cannot find His appointed times for worship (New Moons, Sabbaths and Feasts) with just the sun..
Those New Moons, Sabbaths and Feasts all point to the Son.
And the world, led by the greco roman latin mother church, points everyone to the sun, and have counterfeiting holy days and sabbaths that are just counterfeits of the genuine appointed times.
Jews have abandoned the calendar they were taught and even they have their very own pope appointed sabbath day.
Today is Saturn’s day on the world’s calendar.the Jews regular sabbath day.
On Our Heavenly Father’s calendar (according to the sun, moon and stars He gave us to tell time), it is the 4th day of His 5th month. It is also the 3rd work day, a work day. Tomorrow is also a work day that Christians in majority use as their sabbath.
But His seventh day Sabbath will be on a gregorian Woden’s day for the next four weeks. Both saturn’s day and sun’s day will be work days.
The world will be working on His Sabbath thanks to pope gregory and his namesake sun only based calendar.
Sun worship has gotten high tech. But as Scripture says, there is nothing new under the sun.