No question about that.
Then WHY do these countries let them in?
If those folks make trouble: THROW THEM OUT.
Why put up with their crud?
They are behaving like DOORMAT nations.
They OUGHT to do what those troublemakers understand:
Option B: Gefängnis, Fängelse, Cezaevi for a l-o-n-g time.
The UK, Sweden, Denmark, France and others are pushing back and changing or have already changed their immigration policies. More needs to be done.
Western Europe and USA-Canada have allowed a Muslim beachhead to establish itself because of naivete and foolishness. People are waking up.
A background reading of the life and importance of Mohammed reveals that today’s Muslim followers have described Mohammed as a force of socialism, a politics of redistribution. This is undoubtedly why it has caught hold in Indonesia and parts of Africa and why it is difficult to remove it from its entrenchment among those in the lower educated ranks.