It's funny that people can't seem to imagine NOT being bound by the law...If you're not bound by the law, you going to go rob and murder people because there's no consequence???
God doesn't leave us high and dry to figure it out for ourselves...
Paul answers that question in Romans 7...In his spirit he desires to do good...It's a constant battle with his sinful flesh (the old man)...
He can't seem to do what he wants to do and finds himself doing things he doesn't want to do...
That's an interesting point as well. There is the thought, and out of SOME people (primarily many FRoman Catholics not meaning you, Cde.), the accusation, that if someone believes there is no consequence, they CAN sin at will and WILL sin with impunity.
It reveals what is in their hearts that they think others are going to do this. Some people don't have the inner control to do what they ought and need the outer restrictions to keep them in line.
It evidences not having a heart change, the new birth.
There is nothing in Scripture that says there will be no consequence to sinning. God disciplines those He loves, those who are His sons and daughters.
No good father would allow a child to continue in sin. The *if there's no law you can sin all you want* crowd just does not understand that.
When I quit worrying about obsessively keeping the law, I quit having most of the trouble I have living a life holy towards God. It seemed that the more I tried, the worse I failed. Sin, being what it was, became alive, and gave me all kinds of grief.
Christ has set us free to live FOR Him in a positive focus, not to live a life fighting sin, with a negative focus.
If all we do is focus on resisting sin, we are doing it in our own strength and taking our eyes off Christ.
If we keep Christ before us, we won't even be inclined to sin or the temptation will not be so overwhelming.
I know what God's commandments are, and I know that I can't keep them. But as I live my life in Christ and His power, I do, without trying, and when I fall, which will happen, He's there with forgiveness and grace.