You must have a very narrow range of encounters.
This is posted every day as the "Catholic" word of the day.
There are at least 17 returns of FR thread using a keyword search of catholic.
the following are phrases from various posters on just this thread up through post 160.
because I look too Catholic....
I used to be Catholic...
First thing they do is attack the Pope and Catholics....
Former Catholic
The free will idea that man is capable of choosing to be saved is a most Roman Catholic idea.
between Protestant and Catholic Christians....
the one, holy, Catholic Church and that,
They are mostly Catholic-haters. Anything, then, that looks remotely Catholic is something they will attack.....
but one things for sure, we Catholics
isnon-Catholics. Without the Catholic Church their own
...what the Catholic Church....
pro-life and Catholic List: ....
that is what this Catholic has been told
the continued use of protestant is a whole separate issue.