You mistake my curiosity for annoyance. My wife and I are converts to Catholicism so we both abandoned the faith traditions we had been raised in to become Catholic because we believe what the Catholic Church teaches is true.
I disagree with the hierarchy on many matters of prudential judgement but I can't imagine hanging around if I decided the Church had blown it on a doctrinal issue. I don't want to put you in the category of Nancy Pelosi but I'm just as confused by her as I am now by you... what is it that holds you to a Faith you clearly don't fully believe?
I too probably agree with my Church on about 95% of issues. I love my Church have no intention of ever leaving it. I must say I am profoundly disappointed in many of the economic pronouncements I hear these days from our new Pope. But I am glad that he recently said the Church’s policy on clerical celibacy is not etched in stone and is subject to change.