You're asking from my time though. Please don't.
Like I've told you previously, in reply to now this again your speaking of your own time ---
My time is valuable also.
Each time you post to me in reply, or even on the 'open' religion forum in general --you do seriously waste my time.
The trouble is that Romanism, though perhaps not exactly "fouled up beyond all repair" is in fact Tangled Up Beyond All Repair, or TUBAR.
So please stop wasting my own time. The tangles are difficult and time consuming to unravel, and you do have a knack for packing densely within brief statements every serious theological error which Romanism boasts of itself, so -- stop doing that. Check with the holy spirit within (if you have any of that) before replying in posture or tone as if you are some sort of "expert", for you are not expert even on what your own church ecclesiastical community teaches.
Do you recall the other thread (now locked due to the whining of whiny papists) where I challenged you at reply #344 ---and it took myself and dan (dan spent a LOT of time) and a few others to finally bring yourself to "a point of flux" in regards to dictated by, "inspired by" or otherwise led to more precisely how the "infallible" is arrived at, somewhere around the 1,300+ replies zone of that thread?<
You have no place to attempt to forbid others "asking" of your own time, not when the TUBAR syndrome is in such display and effect.
If you care not to face challenge on open threads -- then go back to presenting info from behind caucus walls where none can challenge it.
If that would save some of your own, then so be it.
But you will not be allowed to use the rest of the forum as you would use it behind "caucus" designation, or intimidate myself (this time using complaint about "your" time) into silence, for out here, anything that is said is open to challenge & scrutiny.