And after saying all that, it remains that there is nothing the Catholic religion can do to prevent a priest, anywhere from turning a wafer into Jesus Christ...And that creates quite a dilemma for your religion...
And look at the ramifications...If a bishop leaves for a Protestant religion, the bishop still has the authority to ordain priests in the Protestant religion...
But what is not being mentioned is that of the mind of the renegade priest...A former Catholic priest in a Protestant denomination has admitted to himself that that there is no change in the bread and wine when he prays over it...
This would have been realized that the bread and wine never did change...It doesn't look any different to a priest than it does any one else...It still looks like bread and wine...I'd bet there are untold numbers of priests out there who don't really believe that the bread and wine turns into flesh and blood but they don't dare let on to the laity...
Worrying about a former priest using his 'special' gifts is a waste of time...A born again priest is not going to waste his time with things he doesn't believe in like the Catholic Eucharist and worship of Mary and man made idols...
They do however have to come up with some answers to placate those who would ask questions about while trying to keep your religion is somewhat of a good light...