it took Catholics 2,014 years to make those mistakes, the Protestants have accomplished them in only about 450 years to do so....nice going!!
Those popes didn't live lives of 2000 years. They accomplihed all those feats each just in their short span in office, which is what the links cover.
Doesn't mention what they did on their off time, nor what those w3ho *elected* them did in their off time.
The popes are so bad that there isn't even agreement over which ten are the WORST.
That doesn't mean they're the ONLY.
It barely scratches the surface of the corruption that existed within Catholicism.
Here's more links posted by a Catholic FReeper.
St. Peter Damian's Book of Gomorrah: Homosexual Situation Graver than Damian's Time
The Sword of the Saint, Unsheathed (against homosexuality)
Just answer me a simple question...would St. Peter have approved of those DDDP (DEpraved, DEgenerate, DEbauched Popes) to lead the church he set up?