Mormonism teaches that God was a mortal man once, had sex with Mary and fathered Jesus. Jesus is a separate being from the Father, being the half-brother of Satan, who was born to another of God’s wives.
Right there, that is NOT the Jesus of the NT. The Mormon Jesus is not able to save anyone because he is not the Jesus of the NT who died for us.
Using all the *correct* words doesn’t mean a thing if they don’t have the same meaning.
Mormonism teaches that God was a mortal man once, had sex with Mary and fathered Jesus.
That is taken out of context and ridiculous.
Jesus is a separate being from the Father, being the half-brother of Satan, who was born to another of Gods wives.
That is another falsehood!
Where are you getting this stuff from?
They are liars and deceivers because they embellish the context in which it was taken. I know nothing of a half brother what garbage you are spewing and assuming it is the whole truth with out doing some research.
many have put a spin on things they do not understand or some omit the context which things are spoken.
God did not have sex with Mary it is not our doctrine it was an opinion of some but it is not doctrine of the Lord’s Church.
I suppose in life all your opinions have all been correct!
When Lucifer the light bearer when was among all the sons of God that shouted for joy, would he have not at that time been a brother?