“So St. Paul used Greek Pagan Poetry, “
Paul used it in preaching. God included it in sacred Scripture - at least as part of the narrative. Beyond that, He didn’t endorse it in any further way.
“So the notion that the Catholic Church has used Greek Philosophy in its theology has somehow tainted the faith is perhaps not true. “
If God didn’t include it in His revelation, you won’t persuade me that it is equal to Scripture. Scripture trumps and judges all else. If the Catholic Church mixed pagan teaching with scripture, that’s falsehood.
Paul quotes it in preaching. God includes his actions in the narrative, but makes no further comment. Just because scripture records something, doesn’t mean it teaches it. Baal gets lots of ink in the OT, but no endorsement.
Well, much of greek Philosophy was used to help define The Trinity, the term homoousios [Latin Consubstantial was used] was used to define Christ was being co-eternal with the Father in response to the Arian heresy condemned at the Council of Nicea and thus confirming that doctrine against Arius’s erroneous interpretation of Proverb 8:22-31 [there is one of those guys who read scripture and thought he new]. The term Hypostatic Union was used to define in the Divine Person of Christ, their is a complete Divine and Human Nature yet again, in perfect communion without distortion in Christ, which were used to reject the heresy of Nestorianism [condemned at Ephesus in 431] and the heresy of the Monophysiteas condemned at the Council of Chalcedon in 451AD.
So all those terms, Trinity, Homoousios, hypostatic union, while not found in Sacred Scripture, or Doctrinal Dogmatic definitions found in Sacred Tradition as expressed by the Church Councils I sited. They are just as binding as dogmas explicitly taught in Sacred Scripture and in fact, help the faithful “faithfully understand” those doctrines in scripture that are alluded to, but not fully articulated or defined.