What a load of nonsense.
The Holy Spirit gave us the Word of God and the OT existed centuries before the Catholic church was a gleam in Constantine's eye.
We owe the Catholic church NOTHING. Zero. Zilch.
We'd still be saved even if the Catholic church didn't exist because GOD is the one who ensures that His word is spread and souls are saved. The Holy Spirit is the one who convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.
No denomination or organization can take credit for that.
And those fallen-away Catholics, who know better, but continue to spit in the face of God’s Pilgrim Church on Earth, will be the first to bust hell wide open.
Always guilt-ridden, fallen-away Catholics that just can’t leave well enough alone. They have to constantly justify turning away from Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. If they have this much guilt, why did they leave in the first place?
“We’d still be saved even if the Catholic church didn’t exist because GOD is the one who ensures that His word is spread and souls are saved”
You know His Word because of that CATHOLIC DOCUMENT known as the Holy Bible.