Ok, tough to discuss things in this context, at least for me. I get you were raised Catholic, now something else. You stated that you were not in a church that is in the Lutheran, Reformed, Baptist or Pentecostal tradition. Given the Methodist tradition came from the Anglican tradition, I doubt that would be the case.
So if it is not one of those, the only thing one gets to, in my view [again, this is just my view], is this “non denominational label Bible Church” where some Pastor says we are going to follow the Bible, until of course, someone decides hey Pastor, the Holy Spirit spoke to me when I was reading the Bible and I don’t think you are following the Bible. And then, you get another “Bible Fellowship Church” that broke from the last “Bible Fellowship Church”
Not to pick a fight with you, but there are many others over the years who when I pose that question, will not respond with what type of Church they belong to. Why is it, given you have this view as well, that you will not say, I go to this church. So if someone goes to a Southern Baptist Church [and I personally know some SBC’s], then I can easily go to the SBC website and see their position statement, which is of course, sola scriptura is part of it, No Creeds, priesthood of all believers, etc, are from what I remember, part of their confession. If someone is Reformed, then it is Calvins Westminster confession, Lutheran, Augsberg Confession, Anglican, the 39 Articles and the Book of Common Prayer, etc.
“Not to pick a fight with you, but there are many others over the years who when I pose that question, will not respond with what type of Church they belong to. Why is it, given you have this view as well, that you will not say, I go to this church.”
I prefer to deal with Truth, instead of denominational labels. If an idea is True, it withstands examination. If it is false, it is better to know.
BTW, I responded to your over-generalization of non-Catholic church growth on this very thread by detailing what is happening at the local assembly where I worship. That was detailed, but you never responded at all. If you want to know more, you can read it.
Still, the issue is Truth. Something is either True or it is not.
BTW, I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year. I hope it is a very good year for you and your family.