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To: aMorePerfectUnion

“If you read what I write, you will know exactly what I believe. I am not hiding anything I believe. If it brings you comfort, you can always ask what I believe about a particular topic. I will do my best to answer, if it is in any way relevant”

Well thanks for the response. I still don’t know what Church you belong to, despite your post here.

“I am certainly not against every Catholic teaching. Just the ones made up out of thin air, the ones that are pagan in origin and they ones that do not pass the test of Scripture. Everything else I am supportive of. So we have some things in common.”

Not sure what you mean in the context of pagan. In another thread, I mentioned that St. Paul quoted from pagan Greeks in 3 places. He was quoted in Acts 17:28 “In Him we live, move and have our being” which is a quote from Epimendes. He also quotes the Greek poet Menander in 1 Cor 15:33 and in Titus 1:12 he again quotes from Epimendes. Now, in 3 places St. Paul has quoted from Pagan Greek Poets. Of this, Saint Thomas Aquinas writes “One who is learned in Sacred Scriptures accepts truth wherever he finds it. This is why Paul, on several occasions, refers to the sayings of pagans. It does not follow that all of their teaching is approved, but what is good is drawn out and retained. For Truth comes from the Holy Spirit no matter who speaks it [Saint Thomas Aquinas, Commentary on 1 Titus]. In this vain, Thomas was comfortable taking the truths he found in Aristotle and using them for the development of Theology just as Augustine had done the same with Plato [now there are some here that do not like the use of Greek Philosophy to help theology, but it is clear that both Augustine and Aquinas did so, which is consistent with Aquinas thoughts in is Commentary on Pauls 1st Letter to Titus.

This goes in line with what Pope John Paul II said in Faith and Reason and this conflict thesis that atheist charge the Catholic Church as being against Science [that is a whole different debate, but I can cite some of the great scientist who were Catholic Priests, St. Albert Magnus, Dun Scotus, Copernicus, Roger Bacon, Fr. Lemaitre, the Cosmologist and forerunner of the Bing Bang theory]. To sum, Pope John Paul, in his Papal Letter “Faith and Reason” [that which science shows] have their same foundation and source in the one True God. Since God can’t contradict himself, Truth from faith and science can’t be in contradiction [we human may have a hard time reconciling them 100% in our head] if God is TRUTH [and he is] then Truths of Faith and Truths of Science are both from the source of TRUTH [God].

“I haven’t pinged anyone. I don’t blame you for not liking dealing with that scenario. I think the best thing to do in that case is ignore those you weren’t in a conversation with. I often experience a similar thing. I respond to one poster and they don’t respond to prove their position, but three others jump in who I wasn’t talking with.”

Correct, and on this point you have demonstrated decorum and behaved like a proper Gentleman so my “snarky comments” were not directed, or more accurately, should not have been directed at you. I was frustrated with the ping fest from some of the other posters who chime in and hijack a thread and take it to where they want it as opposed to where two posters have the taken their take or perspective on the thread.

577 posted on 12/31/2013 10:06:42 AM PST by CTrent1564
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To: CTrent1564

“Well thanks for the response. I still don’t know what Church you belong to, despite your post here.”

SAY IT ISN”T SO CTrent!!! Knowing Christ’s Gathering - as God identifies in Scripture - is the only thing that counts. Examine your soul to be sure you are in the faith, as John wrote.

“Not sure what you mean in the context of pagan. In another thread, I mentioned that St. Paul quoted from pagan Greeks in 3 places. He was quoted in Acts 17:28 “In Him we live, move and have our being” which is a quote from Epimendes. He also quotes the Greek poet Menander in 1 Cor 15:33 and in Titus 1:12 he again quotes from Epimendes. Now, in 3 places St. Paul has quoted from Pagan Greek Poets. Of this, Saint Thomas Aquinas writes “One who is learned in Sacred Scriptures accepts truth wherever he finds it. This is why Paul, on several occasions, refers to the sayings of pagans.”

Paul repeated a common saying to lead his listeners to the truth. GOD saw fit to include this in Acts. If God included it, I certainly don’t argue with it. It does not follow that anything outside inspired Scripture has equal authority to Scripture. All truth may be God’s truth, as the saying goes, but all truth isn’t equal to Authoritative, Inspired Truth.

“I was frustrated with the ping fest from some of the other posters who chime in and hijack a thread and take it to where they want it as opposed to where two posters have the taken their take or perspective on the thread.”

Understood. It may be partly that Mediterranean temperament too! I’ve inherited half of one...

589 posted on 12/31/2013 12:12:53 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion (Truth is hate to those who hate the Truth)
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