“Sola Scriptura”
Is unbiblical.
Here are but two examples from the Holy Bible that Christ’s Gospel is found in both his written Word, and the oral teachings of his Apostles to his early Church:
“Hold fast to the traditions whether they come in oral or written form.” 2 Thess 2:15
“The things which you have heard from me through many witnesses you must hand on to trustworthy men who will be able to teach others.” (2 Tim, 2:2)
Here are but two examples from the Holy Bible that Christs Gospel is found in both his written Word, and the oral teachings of his Apostles to his early Church:
Hold fast to the traditions whether they come in oral or written form. 2 Thess 2:15
The things which you have heard from me through many witnesses you must hand on to trustworthy men who will be able to teach others. (2 Tim, 2:2)
1. These two passages were written to someone who sat under the teachings of the Apostles who were the foundation of the Church. You have not.
2. I’ve asked you on a different thread exactly WHICH traditions are referred to by Paul in the II Thess passage. I asked you to list them and document that they are the traditions Paul wrote about. You didn’t answer. I assume you have been researching this and can now fully delineate and document these traditions. Please do so. I would very much appreciate knowing them.
If you can not do so, your point is moot. What good is something that cannot be known. More realistically, God saw to it that everything we needed was included in Holy Writ, once it was put on parchment.
3. Paul instructed Timothy to pass on what he learned directly from the Apostle Paul. Exactly what things did Paul say to Timothy and others that were to be passed on - in addition to that which made its way into God’s Inspired Word - particularly the portions Paul wrote??
Please list them and document that they are the exacty audible teachings Paul wrote to Timothy about. If you can not do so, your point is moot. What good is something that cannot be known. More realistically, God saw to it that everything we needed was included in Holy Writ, once it was put on parchment.
Thank you in advance for taking time to list these traditions and teachings and documenting exactly how we know your list included what Paul wrote - and no more.