“To be deep into history is to cease to be protestant
Repost. He may have believed it, but that doesn’t make it true. If it reinforces your affiliation, thats nice. It isn’t persuasive outside your box.
“He may have believed it, but that doesnt make it true. If it reinforces your affiliation, thats nice. It isnt persuasive outside your box”
Oh, I know it. You’re the expert on scripture and the history of Christianity. You, and other protestants on FR know more than Newman, all the Church doctors of the last 2,000 years. You know more than Pope Benedict, JP2, Dr. Scott Hahn, George Wiegel, Fulton Sheen. They were all dumb and didn’t understand a thing about the scriptures. So it is written, so it is done. Come to FR if you want to know the truth about the Catholic Church and if you want to know exactly how the scriptures should be interpreted. Ignore the last 2,000 years. Pardon me for being so ignorant.