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To: aMorePerfectUnion

I did in a post that I laid out the statistics. Catholics are not disappearing at a different rate than any other Christians. See my post #244.

Hmm, so lets see, Mr internet FR Protestant Theologian or Newman?????? Ok

Oh the old I go back to the Bible position [when the NT canon that was not formally defined until the 4th century by that “bogey man Catholic Church” at Councils in Hippo, Carthage and Pope Innocents Letter to the Bishops in France in 405AD]. For the record, every heresy in the early Church was because somebody read the Bible and contrived and idea that was in conflict with the orthodox consensus. Everyone of them started out with someone with your view, that is they read the some scriptural passage came up with some Doctrinal position that was heretical. You said you studied Church History, well, what did you actually study. Well, maybe you just forgot. Some examples, Marcion, the Gnostic Heretic took Luke 6:43 and speculated how could and all knowing God Allow the evil and the fall of man, from that we get two different trees and fruits to Two Gods, one Evil and one Good and even the Good one would not use matter [hmmm, kind of goes against Christ and the Incarnation]. But hey, Ole Marcion claimed he was lead by the Spirit when he interpreted Luke 6:43. The Adoptionist interpreted Acts 2:32-36 to conclude CHrist was a man powered by the Holy Spirit to do Gods’ work [not Divine Substance but by Adoption]. Good Ole Sabellius [the Leading Modalist] interpreted Isiah 44:6 as a passage that was linked to Christ and thus No dinstiction, just different modes of God. Arius and the Arians used Proverbs 8:22-31 to justify their position.

So you will not answer the Questions about the Councils that I mentioned. And not sure who was killing whom in that period. The Church was not given legal status until the Edict of Milan in 313AD, and that only allowed it to be Legal. The Marriage of Church and State in the Roman Empire did not happen till around 380AD with the Emperor Theodosius. And what pagan practices are you referring to.

And btw, St. Paul quotes pagan Greek Philosophers and writers in several places. The Epistle of Jude quoted from Enoch. Do you reject those writings on those accounts?

Well, whether I am arrogant or not is a matter of debate.

For the record, it is obvious I am Catholic, some Protestants identify themselves as Reformed, Pentecostal, Baptist, etc, so for transparency, which form of Protestantism are you affiliated with?

511 posted on 12/30/2013 7:50:06 PM PST by CTrent1564
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To: CTrent1564

“Oh the old I go back to the Bible position [when the NT canon that was not formally defined until the 4th century by that “bogey man Catholic Church”

And yet we have had it since then and have it today. It remains true and authoritative.

“For the record, every heresy in the early Church was because somebody read the Bible and contrived and idea “

Many of them Catholics!

That argument of yours doesn’t invalidate that Gods Word is both true and authoritative.

“So you will not answer the Questions about the Councils that I mentioned.”

I answered, but didn’t dance just because you played a tune.

“And btw, St. Paul quotes pagan Greek Philosophers and writers in several places. The Epistle of Jude quoted from Enoch. Do you reject those writings on those accounts?”

Now you are sounding unhinged FRiend.

“Well, whether I am arrogant or not is a matter of debate.”

I don’t know if you are arrogant. You can bring that before God, since He knows our hearts. You earlier post and this one come across as arrogant. Beyond that, I don’t judge hearts.

“For the record, it is obvious I am Catholic, some Protestants identify themselves as Reformed, Pentecostal, Baptist, etc, so for transparency, which form of Protestantism are you affiliated with?”

It is sufficient to tell you I belong to the Body of Christ, the Church of the Firstborn in the book of Hebrews.

513 posted on 12/30/2013 8:15:41 PM PST by aMorePerfectUnion (Truth is hate to those who hate the Truth)
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To: CTrent1564; aMorePerfectUnion
For the record, every heresy in the early Church was because somebody read the Bible and contrived and idea that was in conflict with the orthodox consensus.

And homosexual unions are sanctioned upon misuse of the Constitution. You logic is what? That the instruments and stewards of Scripture are the assuredly correct interpreters of it?

526 posted on 12/30/2013 10:09:37 PM PST by daniel1212 (Come to the Lord Jesus as a contrite damned+destitute sinner, trust Him to save you, then live 4 Him)
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