Paul when asked by the jailor what must I do to be saved said simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and your house. If doing something is a condition for salvation then grace is no longer grace.
100% agree all verses you posted. By Grace through faith we are saved 100% correct. Saved from what? Our sins of course. What does the convicted heart speak when confronted with God's Holiness and knowing we fall short? We confess and repent. The Holy Spirit gives us that godly sorrow which leads to repentance which leads us to confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of our lives.
God must lead us up Mt Sinai to show us we are lacking in order to fully understand the Gift of Grace from Mt Zion.
I can only speak for myself. When confronted with the Gospel I went to my knees and cried bitter tears and called upon God's Gift of His Son's Royal Holy shed Blood to cleanse me of my sins. The Holy Spirit convicted me of those sins and I confessed them all and repented and if there were sins I forgot about the yearning of the Holy Spirit squeezed them out thus making me a new creature. It was not a mathmatical formula of this before that, and then this, it happened and it all happened by God's Work, God's Grace.
So for me repent was not a work at all. By faith in His Grace, the Holy Spirit stuck my nose in my filth and tongue and heart rolled out the sins like it was "This was your Life." Baptism? our first motion as part of faith in action. Some people do it later like I did, but why wouldn't we get in the water at very least to emulate our Lord and Savior.
Yes we do. Scripture tells us we couldnt do that without having first been given the Holy Spirit through salvation by grace through the faith of Christ.
>> So for me repent was not a work at all. By faith in His Grace, the Holy Spirit stuck my nose in my filth and tongue and heart rolled out the sins like it was "This was your Life."<<
That is what Paul teaches. The actions follow the salvation which is itself precipitated by the working of the Holy Spirit within us. We couldnt even call on the name of the Lord without the working of the Holy Spirit within us. Salvation has already happened. Then the repenting etc. Repentance is not a condition for salvation but the result of it.