To: CynicalBear
Did you know this? I've never heard about it. I wonder if the “faithful” know the Vatican sits atop a pagan graveyard..In this program, they went under the Vatican, to show some of the bones in the graveyard, saying that no one but the highest order of Catholicism are permitted to go to this place. Gee, I wonder why...and WE just THINK that there is a spirit of unclean demon spirits there...Uh-huh..
744 posted on
10/15/2013 4:30:37 PM PDT by
(HELP! I'm trapped inside this body and I can't get out!)
To: smvoice
The hill the Vatican sits on was a burial ground for higher ups in the pagan city. If you read the pagan history of the seven hills you can begin to understand the Revelation references. The city that sits on seven hills.
745 posted on
10/15/2013 4:33:36 PM PDT by
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