To: CynicalBear; metmom
CB, sorry to interrupt, but I just have to share this with you. I was watching a program on the Vatican, and the commentator mentioned that the Vatican is built on an ancient pagan burial ground. The burial ground was dedicated to a pagan goddess. It sounded like they said her name was Vaticus(?), I'm not sure of her name, but Vatican is named after her...interesting, huh???
737 posted on
10/15/2013 3:25:29 PM PDT by
(HELP! I'm trapped inside this body and I can't get out!)
To: smvoice; metmom
Actually vaticanus mons mean prophetic mount doesnt it? The Vatican and Vatican City is actually built over the place where the temple of the goddess Cybele.
The Idaean Mother of the Gods (Cybele) was brought from Pessinus, Phrygia to Rome per a prophesy of the pagan oracles that Rome would fall unless they did. Rome was at the time the center of paganism. It is believed that part of St. Peters was designed after that temple to Cybele. To understand the pagan history of Rome is to understand the beginnings of the RCC.
742 posted on
10/15/2013 4:04:45 PM PDT by
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