I guess what else I’m asking is if the Gentiles who are being saved by faith in Christ, through the new covenant, are of the bloodline of the House of Israel.
If the house of Israel was dispersed among the Gentiles, that would make sense.
Maybe that could explain the apparent randomness of why some people and families seem to see a lot of conversion, and others don’t.
>> “I guess what else Im asking is if the Gentiles who are being saved by faith in Christ, through the new covenant, are of the bloodline of the House of Israel.” <<
First, there is no “new” covenant, Yeshua renewed the only covenant there is with his perfect sinless blood.
As to the ancestry of Yeshua’s sheep, there are many clues, but we need to leave it up to Yehova to show us in his good time. We could debate ourselves into melted butter and not resolve it to everyone’s satisfaction.
Yehova has a plan; give thanks!