To: Errant; editor-surveyor
>>FYI, Pretty much everything editor-surveyor writes is based on a very good understanding of scripture and can be found therein. He is one of the more knowledgeable posters on FR.<<
Yeah, thats why we very seldom see any scripture to substantiate or prove where his beliefs come from in scripture. Its always a diatribe of what he believes with very, very little scriptural support.
332 posted on
10/08/2013 8:29:59 AM PDT by
(For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ)
To: CynicalBear; editor-surveyor
Yeah, thats why we very seldom see any scripture to substantiate or prove where his beliefs come from in scripture. You're the one famous for saying, "There isnt space enough here to go into but here is a site that begins to explain for those who are interested." lol
336 posted on
10/08/2013 8:49:50 AM PDT by
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