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MegaChurch or Catholic Church? ^
| August 26, 2013
| Dr. Taylor Marshall
Posted on 08/27/2013 11:53:37 AM PDT by NYer
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To: avenir
I agree. Gnosticism is a false teachng.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:15:02 PM PDT
Mrs. Don-o
("If I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." – 1 Corinthians 13:2)
To: HenryArmitage
You are confusing the words. Prayer can be worship but etymologically, prayer can be the asking of any favor of anyone, spiritual or physical.
Worship IS worship whether through prayer, through song, through the Mass, through actions that glorify God.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:19:30 PM PDT
To: fwdude
I can't believe that your DQ* is really that much lower than mine that you actually believe what you're posting.
*Discernment Quotient
posted on
08/27/2013 1:19:58 PM PDT
(Some things aren't really true but you wouldn't be half surprised if they were.)
To: Buckeye McFrog
Consubstanialem - consubstanial - of one substance. I love that the Church demands thought from me not just feelings. Theological things matter and it is important to be accurate.
I have several Catholic apps on my iPad and my parish has a website, what more does one need?
posted on
08/27/2013 1:20:04 PM PDT
(the Lord is my light and my salvation)
To: NYer
Joel Osteen obviously is not enough to keep thousands of people showing up every week...Apparently they have a lot of activity going on...Smaller groups where bible teaching takes place...Get togethers where families can bond with each other...You, know, like a real bible church...
posted on
08/27/2013 1:20:36 PM PDT
To: fwdude
LOLOLOL...They always say one thing...And they always do another...
posted on
08/27/2013 1:21:54 PM PDT
To: steve86
Are these pictures photoshopped? Do you seriously believe that these acts are not repeated thousands of times on a daily basis?
posted on
08/27/2013 1:22:13 PM PDT
( You cannot compromise with that which you must defeat.)
To: fwdude
Very good pictures of very good things.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:22:31 PM PDT
(Some people are slaves to their own stupidity.)
To: SoothingDave
Read the Mass someday. It is true worship. The offering of the One Perfect Sacrifice to the Father.Where have you ever read in the bible that you can sacrifice the Son to the Father???
The Father sacrificed the Son for me, and you if you will accept it...
posted on
08/27/2013 1:25:40 PM PDT
To: MamaB
My first boss worked for the accounting firm which audited the financials of a big televangelist in the Dallas area. Big "faith healer" and all. The stories were stomach turning.
And people wonder how the Church has been subverted today. Not from without, but from within. Scaling the walls and taking over was a cake-walk for the pagans.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:26:01 PM PDT
( You cannot compromise with that which you must defeat.)
To: fwdude
Similar scenes no doubt appear daily but none of them illustrate worshiping preachers, statues, floats in parades, or whatever it is you’re claiming.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:26:07 PM PDT
(Some things aren't really true but you wouldn't be half surprised if they were.)
To: NYer
Rom 10 Brothers, my heart's desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. 2 For I bear them witness that
they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 3 For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God's righteousness. 4
For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes..... The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 11 For the Scripture says, Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame. 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. 13 For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:26:10 PM PDT
(John 3:16)
To: nickcarraway
Yep. I have friends from Latin American countries who tell me that Evangelical Churches are making HUGE inroads into these traditionally Catholic countries. Mainly because they speak to young people in a way our Church is failing to do.
To: fwdude; notaliberal
Right on, fwdude!
'Course here in my town, we have an Asbury Methodist Church, named for Francis Asbury, an 18th century frontier missionary bishop who is worshipped by Methodists.
Complete with idol erected for the Methodists' public adoration.
Oh! And! You'll never guess what I saw at the Baptist church last Christmas:
Not only do they worship statues ---
their statues worship statues!
posted on
08/27/2013 1:26:51 PM PDT
Mrs. Don-o
(I love Baptists.)
To: pbear8
I am happy that the exercise of mentally translating arcane language deepens your faith.
What I am saying is that this is not the case for the vast majority of young people.
To: steve86
The Marian prayers extant in Catholic literature are, on their own, evidence of idolatry. Never mind the scenes depicted.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:28:11 PM PDT
( You cannot compromise with that which you must defeat.)
To: Buckeye McFrog
Mainly because they speak to young people in a way our Church is failing to do. I think Miley Cyrus the other night was speaking to (some) of our young people in a way the Church fails to do also. Thank God the Church fails on that score!
posted on
08/27/2013 1:29:55 PM PDT
(Some things aren't really true but you wouldn't be half surprised if they were.)
To: Mrs. Don-o
Sorry, Mrs. Don-o. There is absolutely no parallel between what these statures represent and how Catholics view these images of Mary.
If anyone did to a public statue of an historic figure, or a nativity scene what Catholics do to statues of Mary on a regular basis, I would condemn these acts just as vigorously.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:30:59 PM PDT
( You cannot compromise with that which you must defeat.)
To: fwdude
Only if your operational definition of idolatry (incorrectly) includes veneration. ven·er·a·tion ˌvenəˈrāSHən/ noun noun: veneration; plural noun: venerations 1. great respect; reverence.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:33:10 PM PDT
(Some things aren't really true but you wouldn't be half surprised if they were.)
To: Mrs. Don-o
Idle worship.
posted on
08/27/2013 1:34:50 PM PDT
(Tis a pleasure to live in the Ozarks)
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