Yes, morality is good and should be encouraged.
But nothing will ever replace conversion. It’s not enough to follow Jesus teachings. One must give one’s life to Christ, and accept the salvation only He can offer.
Are you trying to find the one true faith or keep the youths interested? You may be right. But you are answering the wrong question. Have a blessed day.
and you have to let their faith be their own... that means letting go and letting God work through their circumstances... prodigal son (cringe)... not too long ago our two sons were debating on whether it was worse to be a wayward son or a prodigal son...
Yes, but no matter what parents do, children are always susceptible to being captured by our secular, pagan, vulgar culture, even if they are children of pastors. Wanting to fit in and be accepted is of paramount importance to kids, and when everyone else is doing it, then.....
yes, ultimately morality does not equal conversion. everyone lives by a moral code whether they consciously know it or not. morality is subjective and relative and even so one can’t live by your own code perfectly. Even those that live by “I do what I want” fail because they are forced to do things they don’t want to do.
morality never saved anyone. conversion (ie sincerely receiving Jesus as Savior and Lord) saves.