You know, this whole episode caters to the liberal caricature that Hollywood especially loves to depict "Christians" as...
And so...when counterfeit Christians claim to be Christians, yes, their actions effect the reputation of all of us truly in Christ.
I mean even Mormons recognize this...
I just happened to be reading these past two days a quotebook of Mormon quotes from Mormon women.
One Mormon woman, Belle S. Spafford, said: "The individual behavior of each person who claims to be a Mormon affects the reputation of the Church as a whole, and influences the opinions of people with regard to the general desirability of the religion and its effectiveness in the lives of Church Members. (Original source: Relief Society Magazine, August 1942, p. 550)
Do you think this Mormon woman is wrong?
Mrs. Stafford went on in that article (p. 551) to say that "ALL" Latter-day Saints now have unusual and abundant opportunity to teach the Gospel in the most impressive and effective way--by living according to Church standards every day under all circumstances."
Note that she didn't say "SOME"...now did she?
Mrs. Stafford also wrote in Today's World, p. 62: "Latter-day Saints can remain composed, they can calm the frenzy of others..." [Or, I suppose, they themselves can be the frenzied one -- like this Mormon guy at a Mormon church]
Mormon women like Janette Hales Beckham claimed in this same book that "Our stakes and wards CAN provide a place removed from worldly influences."
(I s'pose the operative word there is "can"...)
Had she been a member of a real religion, this clearly would never have happened.
Hey, I'm not saying Christians in Christian churches haven't gotten "territorial" over "their" pew; but the extreme actions of this Mormon guy puts the burden upon you to back up this statement...and show us examples of where this has occurred under the umbrella of a Christian church.
but the extreme actions of this Mormon guy puts the burden upon you to back up this statement
Your challenge is as silly as the original post being put in the religion forum.
Once you demonstrate that the action was taken because of Mormonism, then we have a useful challenge. Until then, all I see is a story of a guy behaving badly in church.
But to satisfy your odd need to see this happening in other churches (not Mormon), here you go.