Only if an external force acts on it to permit the flow of current, which again leaves unresolved exactly what it is man can do in a fallen, spiritually dead condition. Which illustrates nicely the reason why we must rely on Scripture and not imaginative illustrations from physical nature. We are not, at our essence, material beings, and materialistic explanations of spiritual reality are doomed to failure, apart from those sanctioned by Scriptural revelation, for reasons you have already cited concerning God's capacity for accurate self-revelation.
And so you can delve into labyrinths if you want. Some capability of accepting or denying spiritual flow exists in humans. You might as well ask why humans can do anything spiritual at all, even sin?
At any case, the original sin was not just a toggle operation but resulted in God removing the voltage... for a time. Of course that’s dead. The switch can flip in vain. Now God brings the voltage back. Will we say yes or no to enabling the path that God provided for it to flow. I say we can say yes or no, but to me a yes was virtually obvious. Pressing death/life analogies too far... with that same old demon you rail at, “human reason”... pushes them outside of their area of usefulness.
Ultimately I don’t lean on any explanation, however. The scriptures are true to the extent they go, and attempting to extend them via our limited understanding is fraught with risk. We might or might not get a right answer. Any explanation is at best a crude, crude analogy whose actual implementation is in a domain that only God can see the gnatty details of. We have paradoxes. We do not have self contradictions. I’m saved, I thank the Lord for bringing me the opportunity (whether or not He forced it on me, and it sure did not feel forced, only very very very inviting). Let us get on with glorifying the Lord forever, together.