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To: Boogieman

“Kind of ironic to quote a man who your church declared a heretic on the subject of heresy :)”

“Truth is often found not it what is omitted, but in what is kept”

I tell Protestants this all the time. They are the greatest force of evangelization for the Catholic church - in using our Canon to preach to others. :) You familiarize people with the Gospels and then tell them not to accept anything but the Gospels that get them in the way of their faith.

Thus, you bring people into the faith that we have put forth. If you were to take a Q’uran, you would put people under muhammed. But here - you use a book you did not write, from a faith you consider the enemy and convert people to it!

282 posted on 04/05/2013 4:16:22 PM PDT by JCBreckenridge (Texas is a state of mind - Steinbeck)
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To: JCBreckenridge

That’s just nonesense.

284 posted on 04/05/2013 4:19:28 PM PDT by caww
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To: JCBreckenridge

“You familiarize people with the Gospels and then tell them not to accept anything but the Gospels that get them in the way of their faith.”

Well, I wouldn’t quite put it that way. Protestants are free to accept anything, as long as it doesn’t conflict with the Gospel.

“Thus, you bring people into the faith that we have put forth. If you were to take a Q’uran, you would put people under muhammed. But here - you use a book you did not write, from a faith you consider the enemy and convert people to it!”

You also use a book that neither you nor your church wrote, my friend. It was written by God. The continual claims to the contrary by Catholics smack of excessive pride and boasting. How many times did the Apostles take credit for works they may have participated in, instead of giving the greater glory to God? I can’t think of a single instance from Scripture, can you?

Also, I don’t consider Catholicism, or Catholics to be “the enemy”. I believe they are mistaken on some points, but that doesn’t make them my enemy.

287 posted on 04/05/2013 4:35:36 PM PDT by Boogieman
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To: JCBreckenridge

My gosh....what twisted thinking. ....In fact... many I know were raised in the Catholic Church and came away from it as adults, was not til after they left the Catholic Faith they became Christians... and that while attending a Protestant or Evangelical Churches.....realizing the difference between ‘Churchianity’ and ‘Christianity’. ...There is a difference between submission to a church and submission to the Christ of Christianity.

296 posted on 04/05/2013 5:35:51 PM PDT by caww
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