Posted on 03/28/2013 1:58:30 PM PDT by NYer
Edited on 03/28/2013 7:47:59 PM PDT by Admin Moderator. [history]
Pope Francis kisses the foot of a young person at a detention facility on Holy Thursday 2013. Credit: CTV.
Vatican City, Mar 28, 2013 / 12:20 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis recalled for around 40 young detainees how Jesus washed the disciples’ feet and said that he would willingly do the same for them because he is called to serve.
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I didnt see that. Puppets? (Wince.) I may bite a nail over this. Was this a one-off thing? You have a link?The puppet that is supposed to be Jesus shows up at 7:30 (if you'd like to advance), and then shortly after that (at 8:08) some feel the cross shown (behind the altar) depicts a "smiling" Jesus:
Something about a shepherd who left his 99 sheep on the hillside, and went out to seek the one sheep that was lost?
I still wonder: is this some one-off thing when Cardinal B was airlifted in and dropped into a Youth Liturgy that he didn't properly plan or control? Still a fault, but...
On the other hand, it would be an order of magnitude worse if this was the type of thing he intentionally and repeatedly enabled. Our well-beloved John Paul II did some of that, which was one of the weaknesses of his otherwise great pontificate. That, and a general lack of discipline over the errant, which he moved to remedy by putting Cardinal Ratzinger in the CDF.)
I pray --- and hope -- the puppet thing was an error never to be repeated. :o(
Considering the besetting deadly sins of FR, which are rash judgment, detraction and slander (so common these vices, that we practically embrace them as virtues, and I do not exculpate myself from this), I think we have to be particularly careful not to immediately set up a Sheep Judgment Court with our new Chief Shepherd handcuffed in the dock.
He's going after the lost sheep. Still the #1 job requirement.
Thank you sincerely for sharing this perspective. You’ve made a great case that does bring me peace. I’ve been fighting those who were castigating Pope Francis from the outset and even received several nasty-grams from NewCatholic over at RorateCaeli in response to my efforts. I have friends I’ve been trying to talk back off the edge since the first round of negative attacks over at RorateCaeli on the day of PFI’s election. But this Holy Thursday liturgical abuse (in my opinion, that’s what it was) really had me flustered and it isn’t something I can defend against those I know who see it as proof of the earliest fears expressed on the trad blogs.
I can easily see the truth in everything you posted. And the trad blogs are acting out of fear and lack of Trust. But also out of the grim reality of wandering in a liturgical wasteland for 40 years and the very real possibility that progress in a return to reverent liturgy could be set back by a cavalier attitude that brushes away liturgical tradition as so many Phraisaical trappings that hinder us from our experience of the “real” Jesus.
Frankly, I don't go to RorateCaeli. They are a near occasion of sin to me.
Our little Schola Cantorum in my East Tennessee parish will be doing its first sung High Mass (with propers, sprinking with water and all that) on April 14. I am conscious that this is the first Vidi Aquam I will have sung in 50 years--- yes, 50 years almost to the day. I shake my head in amazed gratitude.
The Great Tradition is very, very precious to me, and I am morally sure Pope Francis won't do anything to take that away.
Let's pray for each other, and for our Papa.
Can you or anyone point me to a link to the liturgical rules where it says only men’s feet are to be washed? Our parish is generally pretty good in regards to the liturgical rules and there is pretty much always a woman or two getting her feet washed on HOly Thursday. And I know this occurs throughout the Philadelphia Diocese and our bishops have all been pretty orthodox in regards to liturgical abuses.
Fr. Z has a discussion of the subject here:
Dr. Peters has an in depth discussion here:
I will follow your advice and watch and pray.
I don’t think that it is about looking pious—the interior, not the exterior, is what is most important. At the same time, having those who have some sort of care for the exterior things unrestrained by anything than their own whims is both distracting and ends up with little dictatorships of personality running rampant.
This grandson of foot-washing Primitive Baptists recognizes the significance of this humbling gesture and approves of it, all other theological differences aside.
May God bless you during this Sacred Triduum, and may we all be grateful, always, always.
“About the Sacraments and the Liturgy: look, he hit the ground running with Summorum Pontificum within two days of its publication.”
That is not true! At that point in time, Cardinal Bergoglio only, and finally, enforced “Ecclesia Dei” (issued by Pope John Paul II way back in 1988).
The Cardinal never followed Summorum Ponticum, as commanded by Pope Benedict!
Thank you, thank you, thank you - for that post. I’ve been up and down as well about our new Holy Father, and you have managed to clear my head a little. :-)
All I know is what I see from Argentine websites like the ones cited here: and Una Voce Argentina.
Big difference between all of Argentina and former Cardinal Bergoglio’s archdiocese of Buenos Aries. Care to narrow down your search?
You won’t find one authorized TLM in that archdiocese.
The primary argument for an all male priesthood us that Christ only chose men as His apostles. Its the same reason men are chosen for the washing of the feet. The Pope has moved away from this tradition n a very public fashion. It is unsettling.I agree with you, in that this is causing arguing (division) between good Catholics, and I don't see any "peacemaker" in that. Also, IMO, it's odd for any man to kiss the feet of a woman he's not a significant other to. Jesus didn't do it as you say; we just watched Passion of the Christ and we re-checked. :)
“Michael Brendan Dougherty, a national correspondent for The American Conservative, alleged March 13 at that Francis had blocked adoption of Summorum Pontificum (Pope Benedict XVI’s 2007 apostolic letter regarding use of 1962 form of the Latin Mass) in the Buenos Aires archdiocese and had not implemented the new missal translations.”
I still wonder: is this some one-off thing when Cardinal B was airlifted in and dropped into a Youth Liturgy that he didn't properly plan or control? Still a fault, but...Thanks for checking out the video and posting your thoughts. Maybe this was a one-time instance. Still and all, I was a little bummed out when I initially saw it because we need someone very powerful at the helm to right the wrongs that sent BXVI packing, however, I do realize the Church could right itself quite easily if only everyone prayed "mooorrrrrrrrrrrre" (as JPII stated).
Do you even know the huge difference between Eclessia Dei and Summorum Pontificum?
Jesus defended the women, too, which ended up making the Pharisees despise Him. His behavior was too disturbing and unconventional to be a very good peacemaker, I suppose.
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