We have to figure out a way to reach the average Catholic voter, and I think that some highly visible cases of public humiliation and rejection, and even excommunication, or in Laws case, removal from the hierarchy and being reduced to normal citizen status and mere pew sitter, would receive massive publicity and would penetrate into the Catholic rank and file and the immigrants.
We need some flash and dazzle, some heavy public battles and publicity to reach the average people who dont keep up with much media and make them realize that they better get with the program and start voting as Christians.
71 posted on 3/15/2013 4:15:18 PM by ansel12
It can't be a broken record since it isn't a strategy at all, but it was something that sounded exciting on this thread and was posted once.
If pro-life conservatives don't figure out a way to change the Catholic vote to a conservative, pro-life vote, then we are doomed.
We have to figure out a way to reach those voters, when everyone was talking about all the bold actions this Pope was going to take, like embarrassing America's top Catholic figures who also happen to be pro-abortion democrats, I got a little hopeful.
Don't worry, as the thread progressed, I realized that nothing is going to change, it never does.