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To: dunblak
As a Christian and a non-Mormon

Indignation is a standard argument in the mormon defender's argument toolbox. Often it is the first thing they pull out when challenged.

I have known MANY mormons who don't fit your description "kind, generous people with admirable values". Taken as a group they are no more "admirable" than any other group...just more hypocritical about hiding their faults. And their generosity is nearly always toward their sect and to other mormons. Example, the multi-millions in tithing given by Romney to his church.

20 posted on 03/14/2013 11:46:38 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (Thanks Mitt.)
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To: greyfoxx39

“The Romneys have also given annually to their family charity, the Tyler Charitable Foundation, which, in turn, has paid out large sums to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Sabin Children’s Foundation, National Multiple Sclerosis Society and to Mitt Romney’s alma mater, Brigham Young University.”

Most of my “charitable contributions” are also directly to my church, and mostly pay the salary of my pastor, and the cost of the building we use. A portion of the money the church collects goes to missionaries, which also is a solely church-related function. A small part goes to the deacon’s fund, which does traditional charity work, but mostly for people in the church.

I don’t know whether any other people fall into this category. But I would suspect that a large amount of the donations by Catholics who are freepers go to their church as well.

So I’m not sure how much of an “attack” it is to hit someone because their giving is mostly to their church.

The hit goes back to whether the church is a valid one, and whether the church does true charity with the money. But both of those discussions have nothing to do with the members of the church giving money to the church (I’m not arguing that donations to the mormon church are more or less charitably used here).

I’m certain Romney gave more money away to secular or non-sectarian charity than I did. I know, he has more money.

32 posted on 03/14/2013 12:26:14 PM PDT by CharlesWayneCT
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