I did not know that Mark Burnett might be a Christian.
That’s good to know.
". . . more accessible to those who do as yet count themselves as Christians, who are not intimately familiar with Scripture."
Let's see a show of hands for how many people expect at least one full episode to focus on, "judge not" and another full episode on how Jesus was a community organizer?
“It takes some artistic license.”
Yes, I have read that they have the character playing Jesus saying he wants to change the world.
SO- I am not going to watch. As long as people understand that this is entertainment and NOT the word of God, then it is really no different than American Idol. The TV show isn’t going to present the gospel to anyone.
I have set TIVO to record the series.
I was hopeful of this at first, but soon realized it is just entertainment to make modern people feel good about themselves.
Despite Rick Warren’s endorsement, I plan to watch anyway.
EWTN World Over of the past week, Thursday Feb 28, Raymond Arroyo interviewed both of them. Their segment begins about 40-some minutes in to the hour show. Some interesting info.
- They were only about 6 weeks from beginning to film and they still had not cast the actor for Jesus. And they started to pray for that and in less than a week - a Portuguese actor.
- She is from Derry, NI (like 2-of-the ThePriests, the UK city of culture of 2013 - they had a big concert bash there last month with just Derry, or Derry-like performers.
- They wanted a drama that would engage with people. unquote
- Card. Wuerl was advisor for them.
They showed a clip from it.
(Im sure they would lose much of their audience if they devoted, say, an hour to the retelling on the book of Numbers).
Really? Some pretty intense stuff happens in Numbers.
I see him, but not now;
I behold him, but not near
“I hope The Bible is a rating success, otherwise Hollywood studios will have a ready excuse not to greenlight future Bible-based projects.”
It finished second in cable ratings on Sunday. The bad news is that first was Walking Dead.