See my post #7
the conversion of sinners and of Russia
I grew up during the Cold War. As a child, catholics were asked to pray for the conversion of Russia. During those years, churches were taken over by the government. Parishioners desperately tried to salvage precious sacramentals and risked their lives to hide these items in their homes or bury them in fields. It was forbidden to celebrate any form of worship. A network of priests was formed. They would travel by night to a particular village where they would say mass in that home. Oftentimes, that home had a safe room where the priest would be hidden should a neighbor tip off gov't officials.
Shortly after the Berlin Wall came down, communist Russia collapsed. Today churches are being restored and reconsecrated. This is the power of prayer!
Power iof prayer isn’t discounted by me. I will continue to pray to the Creator and not the created.. unless it is believed Mary was there from the beginning ...